ChildTrax Ideas

Document Upload - All Documents region on Documents Bar


  1. Clients

  2. Parents

  3. People

  4. Users

On the documents bar add a region for all documents. This region would only have view functionality. Minimize the screen space it takes up per document. Maybe something like this:



Date Upload

Upload By

File Name

Client Care - Medical Exam

June 2016


Paul Hanrahan


Client Care - Clothing Inv.

Inv. 7/2017


Norma Vestey


Sort by Where, then Date Upload. For example,

  1. the first sort would be where the document was upload at i.e. contact, client care, behavior log, authorizations, etc for clients. for home it would be home details, home requirements, for parents it would be parent details, requirements and for users it would be user details, user requirements for persons it would be person details, person requirements.

  2. for client care, home requirements, parent requirements, user requirements and persson redquirements the second sort is the items name. For example, for client care the sort order would be by them itme name such as Achenback, CANS Assessment, Clothing Inventory, Dental Exam, etc.

  3. Upload date

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2018
  • Planned
  • Attach files