ChildTrax Ideas

Reporting Case Management - Audit Form Reports

Give the ability to create audit reports at a case worker level, supervisor level, and Foster Home Level. These audit repots will be fully customizable to where the user can pick and choose what items they want to show on the report for overdue Home Requirements, Parent/People Requirements, Parent Training Hours/Expiring Trainings, and Client Care items based on an "as of" date. 

The report structure will pull a home and then the parent/people and then the clients placed within that home. It will separate each home hierarchy accordingly to prevent 2 homes being on the same pages.

For the case worker side, it would pull all items within their case load for the as of date and then let them choose what items to pull to the reports.

The Supervisor Report will give more filter options such as selecting a specific case worker's case load or by Branch and then give the customizable choices for what to pull to the report.

For the Home Level, give the option to pick what to pull for the home using the as of date and pull a report based only on that specific home and the client's placed in that home.

For further reference, please look at ticket T201810004.0011

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  • Oct 22 2018
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